Serving the community since 1974, Fallston Soccer is a volunteer run, community-based organization dedicated to providing opportunities for youth of all ages and abilities to develop and grow through participation in athletic competition. We foster a welcoming, enjoyable, safe, and competitive environment to create soccer players with a great love for the game and a greater chance for future success.
We offer opportunities for youth to play at a level that compliments their abilities through a fall program that includes in-house, in-county, and travel leagues. We also offer support to travel players who wish to play year-round soccer.
We believe that soccer is a complimentary sport to a variety of other youth sports and encourage our participants to be multi-sport athletes. We emphasize long-term player development of physical, emotional, and social skills. We believe a positive team sport experience will promote a youth's self-confidence and self-esteem beyond the soccer field.
Our vision is to be a model grassroots recreational soccer organization in the Maryland area by providing a high-quality soccer experience. We will do this through a well-developed network of volunteers, a dedicated Director of Coaching, regular player training and coaching education opportunities.
Fallston Soccer’s success is not measured in wins and losses, but by our participants many positive experiences both on and off the field.
We value a strong work ethic, respect, and responsibility.
We believe all ages and skill levels should have opportunities to develop and grow.
We will treat the soccer community with respect and dignity as put forth in our code of conduct.
We believe that positive reinforcement is paramount. John O’Sullivan’s Changing the Game Project has inspired us to continue to repeat, “I love to watch you play!”
Please find additional announcements on our Fallston Soccer Facebook Page!
Registration cost is $120 with no additional fees. Fall Registration opens April 1st, waitlists typically form in July, and registration closes July 31st. In house teams are organized by grade level beginning in pre-K.
Registration includes jersey, shorts, and soccer socks provided by program. Teams will be formed over the summer and families notified of team placement the first week of August. Many age groups end up on wait lists, so please register early!
Fallston Soccer runs in-house teams for players age 4 to 16 for about 900 players in the Fallston area. The program is designed for kids of all ability levels to provide a fun and educational soccer experience. Please do not let August vacations stop you from signing up! Most teams do not have their full team at practice until school starts.
In-House team practices begin around the second week of August and the program wraps up around the first week of November. All teams will have 1 weeknight practice and 1 game. Clinic, U8, U10, and U12 teams will play other Fallston teams on Saturday mornings.
U13 and U16 age teams will play in the Harford County NRSL league with most games on Saturdays but with the possibility of games on various fields in the county. The NRSL is a collaboration between the local Harford County Recreational Councils and travel is within Harford County for games on Saturday mornings.
**Here is a video that may help understand the build out line:** Click HERE
Questions and/or Comments
Please contact our In-House Commissioner and Board Member:
Greg Croxford (gregcroxford@gmail.com)
To Contact a Travel Coach
Please contact our Travel Commissioners:
Chris Levesque (christopher.r.levesque@gmail.com)
Lisa Pipitone (lisapipitone@gmail.com)